Robert Ingersoll's sparkling wit, lightning-bolt honesty, and vast love for humanity offered enormous RELIEF from religious force and fear in America's late 1800's.

Presented by Connie Cook Smith

Please note, most of the numbered tabs above take you to brief pages of direct quotes by Robert Ingersoll on those various subjects. My own essays are not numbered and are headed up with my byline, my name.


(Of the four Gospels) only one, the Book of John, tells us that we must "believe" and must be "born again" in order to be saved. The other three had not heard of it, or all of them would have said so. Instead, (the other three) exalted and emphasized the moral precepts, the practice of goodness, mercy, purity of heart, forgiveness, charity – the doctrines preached by Christ in his Sermon on the Mount. This sermon was for his hearers their guide and chart through life and the key to open for them the portals of heaven.