Atheists, agnostics, humanists all claim Robert Ingersoll as their own, and I cannot argue with the quotes they choose that make their case.
But I myself have never quite comprehended why the perfectly understandable rejection of religion must ever mean estrangement from acknowledging an amazing, organizing energy within our bodies, and throughout the universe – an energy which is apparently highly intelligent. As has been pointed out elsewhere, just the function of the human eye is practically miraculous.
If all that is “just physics and biology,” then okay, physics and biology are “God” in my book, but this attitude must not be confused with "Creationism -- a current political
Christian movement which insists that Bible stories about "how it all began" are
the only Truth. Creationism is a movement which is attempting to establish such
stories as "education" and infuse them into our public school systems. Some of
these guys (and gals) -- especially certain right-wing politicians -- in
Ingersoll's day and still today, are like the (perhaps inaccurate) caveman
cartoons -- a decidely PRE-Christian modality -- i.e.,bonk a woman on her head
with a club, grab her by the hair, and drag her off to your cave. Sorry to say,
but that's what some women think life would be like in a "Biblical
At times, it was very nearso in Robert Ingersoll's time. We still find some throwbacks who practice such "ownership of women" attitudes. Only one example of numerous outrageous statements by ignorant right-wing religionists is from a Texas Republican candidate for Governor, referring to rape. He said, "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it." Clayton Williams, March 25, 1990. Would he "just relax and enjoy" such a violent assault on his own body?
Manipulative religions hijacking and abusing the word
"God" doesn’t ruin it for me, because I know what I mean.
At times, it was very nearso in Robert Ingersoll's time. We still find some throwbacks who practice such "ownership of women" attitudes. Only one example of numerous outrageous statements by ignorant right-wing religionists is from a Texas Republican candidate for Governor, referring to rape. He said, "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it." Clayton Williams, March 25, 1990. Would he "just relax and enjoy" such a violent assault on his own body?
Manipulative religions hijacking and abusing the word
"God" doesn’t ruin it for me, because I know what I mean.
And finally, there is the mystery of Love, an expanded state of consciousness that has nothing to do with ownership or control or neediness of others, but instead does exist as a transcendant force that respects and cares for others, despite the often conflicting interests of everything from vast territories to personal status.
Certainly, warped human beings exploit those conflicts, often deliberately stirring them up to profit from a warring world. But Love does exist and persists. Love, too, is an intelligent and organizing force, and even though it often seems otherwise, Love is actually more prevalent on Earth than are the warped ones who create deceptive, manipulative -- even psychopathic and brutal – control and destruction.
If it weren’t so that Love is more prevalent, we would have no civilization at all on this planet, which is replete with beautiful music, stunning art, soaring architecture, graceful dance, and countless acts of kindness. If biology and physics et al are not God -- are not Love and are not Intelligence – I think we wouldn’t have flowers and trees, nor kindness. And what I've experienced repeatedly as "the real God" (awareness of a Presence of Love/Intelligence -- which is nothing like the sick
human model of God we've generally been taught), then perhaps the growing identity of
"Spiritual, not Religious" -- reflecting a healthy God-concept,
or at least respectful attitudes toward fellow human beings -- is beginning to
be understood after all.
And when it all goes wrong? I think that comes from just routine obliviousness – or stupid, deliberate interference – with what is not well-known enough as actually God.
It’s clear that Robert Ingersoll believed in Love. And therefore he carried on an articulate and passionate crusade against a most unloving force – the orthodox Christian dictates of his times, some of which astoundingly persist unto this very day.
At least the polls show now that more Americans than not identify themselves as “spiritual, not religious.” Perhaps Robert as a reformer on religion got a foothold in our society. And perhaps God is finally beginning to be understood after all.
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If you’d like to make a contribution to help maintain the birthplace museum in Dresden NY, and help preserve the outstanding legacy of Robert Ingersoll, by all means contact them at:
If you wish to contact me, Connie Smith, write to me.