Robert Ingersoll's sparkling wit, lightning-bolt honesty, and vast love for humanity offered enormous RELIEF from religious force and fear in America's late 1800's.

Presented by Connie Cook Smith

Please note, most of the numbered tabs above take you to brief pages of direct quotes by Robert Ingersoll on those various subjects. My own essays are not numbered and are headed up with my byline, my name.


Why should we fear that which will come to all?  I wish to take from every grave its fear...All should be brave enough to meet what all the dead have met.

(From Ingersoll’s eulogy for his brother, Ebon) --

…in the night of death, hope sees a star, and listening can hear the rustling of a wing. My brother who sleeps here, when dying, and mistaking the approach of death with the return of health, whispered with his last breath: “I am better now.”  Let us believe, in spite of doubt and dogmas, of fears and tears, that these dear words are true for all the countless dead.